What is Internet of Things
IoT or Internet of Things is a modern-day buzzword that points to the technological advancement that we have had in recent years. Connectivity in all spheres of life through regular devices is what IoTs are trying to achieve. But do you know what IoT or Internet of Things is? C oined by British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton in 1999, IoT or Internet of Things is one of the most interesting subjects which usually overwhelms the discussions on the advancement in the science and technology. IoT is rapidly becoming a big part of human lives, but many are still ignorant of what Internet of Things or IoT actually is! What Actually Is The Internet of Things (IOT)? Now, as confusing as the name Internet of Things already is, we will keep it simple and avoid any jargons. “The Internet of Things is a web of physical objects or “things”, that are connected to each other allowing them to collect and exchange information with the help of embedded electronics, sen...